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Prints from Prints

Create new stunning photo prints from your treasured older photographs. Our easy to use ‘Prints from Prints’ service allows you to duplicate and preserve those irreplaceable memories.

Hand holding phone

Step One: Order Online

Here’s how you turn your old prints into high quality, award winning photo prints:

Select the print size option you’d like and place your order ABOVE. For each option available we also provide you with a choice when ordering on how you want your prints returned either 1st class or signed for. Please note we can not scan original photographs larger than A4.

When you have placed your order you will receive a confirmation email with a receipt and order number. Print this off to enclose with your photograph(s).

Step Two: Package up your Print and post it off

Package your photos up in a secure, padded envelope or parcel box and remember to enclose your printed receipt. If you don’t have a printer to hand then just please ensure that you enclose your Order Number and contact/postage details when sending your negs.

Send your photograph(s) to:

River & Coast, Unit 2 Cumberland Rd, North Shields, NE29 8RD

We would always recommend using a tracked service to provide a bit more peace of mind when sending photos to us and very importantly you must make sure to include the correct amount of postage for your parcel. If you are local to the lab then you can also simply drop it off to us!

Mail order film processing
Laptop, film camera and negatives on table

Step Three: Receive your orders

When we receive your print orders, you will be sent an email notification that your precious photos are with us and ready to go into the lab.

We will then produce a high res scan of your image and print your photographs before shipping your photo prints and original(s) back to you at your shipping address. All within 5 days of receiving your negs!

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